Graduate Nurses and Their Role in the Future of Nursing

        Education is ongoing in the development of the nursing profession.  The development of the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of an individual stems from education.  Education in nursing must be value focused and provide guidance for future practice (St. Peter's College 2011).

        The Graduate Degree in Nursing helps students to acquire the theoretical foundation to acquire the depth of knowledge needed in the expert practice in nursing. Graduate education builds on the knowledge and skills acquired at the baccalaureate level and prepares on for nursing practice in a specialty and for advanced practice nursing (St. Peter's College, 2011).

     This type of knowledge is imperative for the nurse to have to be able to continue to improve the nursing profession. The knowledge about the past nurses and their accomplishment is important for the nurse to have.  This is needed for them to continue to build and make improvements in the nursing profession (St. Peter's College, 2011).

     The field of nursing is wide open for advancement opportunities.  The Graduate Degree nurse has every opportunity to create new advancements in the nursing field.   The professional nurse is committed to standards of the profession and practice in a variety of settings. The outcome of education provides the nursing profession with individuals that are secure in his/her own identity, have mature values, and a sense of responsibility (St. Peter's College, 2011).

    The core of learning is change and the field of nursing is forever changing.  Learning provides the opportunity to test ideas, analyze mistakes, take risks and foster creativity.  Master prepared nurses plan, direct, design, and evaluate the delivery of health care (St. Peter's College, 2011).  


Stephanie Luman MSN, RN said...

Mary Mahoney was quite a pioneer, not just for nurses, but for her entire race. I can't imagine the adversity she must have faced, but I'm so thankful she was courageous enough to endure it and help change the nursing field for the better!
Stephanie L.

July 5, 2011 5:44 PM

emfondren said...

Your blog is absolutely beautiful!! It was great to hear about Mary Mahoney and her impact on nursing! Thank you!!

Sharon Phelps said...

Mary Mahoney was quite a trail blazer. You did a great job sharing her story. Sharon Phelps

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About Me

I am currently a student at the University of North Alabama. I am working on my Masters Degree.I have been a nurse 21 years and I currently work as a dialysis nurse. This blog is an assignment that I am working on in school. It's purpose is to educate people on the importance that past nurses have had in the nursing profession.
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