
Bois, D. (n.d.). Mary Eliza Mahoney. Retrieved June 30,2011 from 

Mary Eliza Mahoney. (2000). Retrieved June 30,2011 from

Mary Eliza Mahoney, R.N. first black nurse. (2000, January). Retrieved June
    30, 2011

St. Peter's College. Philosophy of Nursing Programs, Retreieved June 30, 2011 


bleatherwood said...

Great presentation of information! How awe inspiring Miss Mahoney is!

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About Me

I am currently a student at the University of North Alabama. I am working on my Masters Degree.I have been a nurse 21 years and I currently work as a dialysis nurse. This blog is an assignment that I am working on in school. It's purpose is to educate people on the importance that past nurses have had in the nursing profession.
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